Connor Hanan


Devoted my mind to the wonders of data!

View the Project on GitHub connor-hanan/


Phone: (405)696-9263


I started to dabble in basic data analytics about a year before covid, and just in headfirst during the pandemic. Eventually I was able to obtain to obtain the Google Data Analytics & subisquiently the Advance Google Data Analytics Certificate as well as numerious other certificates you can view on my Linkden


  1. Google Capstone
    • Description: This project aims to predict employee retention by analyzing differnet factors that could lead to possible depature
    • Resuts: Created a logitics regression model that had achieved a accuracy of 82%
    • Tools: Python
  2. Diamond Price Prediction
    • Description: This Project I build a preditive model that’s able to predict diamond prices based off the data provided with a high degree of accuracy Resuts: Created a Random Forest Regressor model with a r2 score of 98% and an average difference of ~$2
    • Tools: Python for EDA & predivtive model. Power BI for report intended for end user consumption
  3. Sales Report
    • Description: Using a practice dataset, I create a Power BI report that segments customers based on a parameter (defined in Power BI)
    • Tools: Power BI